2024 Diary/2024 03 Diary

마라톤 참가시 금지된 물품, 240313

TwoTen 2024. 3. 13. 22:42


마라톤 뛸 때 갖고 달릴 수 없는 물품이란다.

"대형 패키지, 쿨러, 텐트 및 린토
이불, 침낭, 대형 담요 또는 이불"

이런 물품도 금지란다...
이런 물품을 갖고 달리는 사람이 있어서 그렇겠지?

"자유에는 불법은 있어도, 상식은 없는 것 같다."

Prohibited Items

The following items are prohibited from all NYRR events and race venues:

Hydration backpack/vest with bladder or water reservoir (if your vest allows for both water bottles and a bladder/water reservoir, you are only able to use bottles and they must be in the front pockets of the vest). See accepted example. Fuel belts, hydration vests with bottles in the front, and hand-held water bottles are allowed. All water bottles must be 1 liter or smaller.
Containers of liquid larger than one liter
Portable speakers are banned at our events. Do not run with a speaker during a race as the amplified noise may diminish the race experience for other runners.
Backpacks, suitcases, rolling bags, or any other similar bags other than the official NYRR clear bag check bag
Weight vests and any vests with multiple pockets, especially those that can be used as a water reservoir
Selfie-sticks and any camera mount or rig that isn’t attached directly to the head or torso
Opaque trash bags and any non-transparent plastic bags (Clear trash bags are allowed.)
Cigarettes, vaping devices, other electronic smoking devices, tobacco products, and marijuana products
Costumes that cover the face and any bulky outfits that extend beyond the perimeter of the body (Form-fitting outfits are allowed)
Props, including flag poles, sporting equipment, military and fire gear, and signs larger than 11”x17”
A weapon of any kind, including firearms, knives, Mace, etc.
Dangerous items or “dual-use” items that could be considered dangerous, including hammers, saws, sharp objects, umbrellas, poles, sticks, etc.
Flammable liquids, aerosols, fuels, fireworks, toxic chemicals, and explosives
Large packages, coolers, tents, and lean-tos
Duvets, sleeping bags, and large blankets or comforters

Alcoholic beverages and illegal substances of any kind
Unmanned aerial devices, drones, survey balloons, photography mini-copters, and any flying device with an on/off switch
Animals or pets (If you are a person with a disability, please contact nyrrawdteam@nyrr.org)
Folding chairs, camp chairs, and tables of any kind
Glass containers
Chemical compounds, or biological agents that could be considered toxic.