'2020 Diary'에 해당되는 글 38건

  1. 2020.03.17 2020.3.16 운동 by TwoTen
  2. 2020.03.02 The Political Compass 200302 by TwoTen
  3. 2020.02.16 2020.2.14, 오늘날씨 -13C by TwoTen
  4. 2020.02.12 반려견에게 물려 사망 by TwoTen
  5. 2020.02.09 by TwoTen
  6. 2020.02.06 독감 사망자 수 by TwoTen
  7. 2020.01.20 나이 by TwoTen
  8. 2020.01.20 아가 선인장... by TwoTen
오랜만에 공원을 뛰(?)었다.

Posted by TwoTen



The Political Compass

One of New Zealand’s ten or so current cartoonists, Malcolm Evans was born in Feilding — a small country town which, rather strangely, produced five of them; a coincidence that has led some to speculate that the milkman delivered more than milk. Morphing f



About the Political Compass

In the introduction, we explained the inadequacies of the traditional left-right line.

If we recognise that this is essentially an economic line it’s fine, as far as it goes. We can show, for example, Stalin, Mao Zedong and Pol Pot, with their commitment to a totally controlled economy, on the hard left. Socialists like Mahatma Gandhi and Robert Mugabe would occupy a less extreme leftist position. Margaret Thatcher would be well over to the right, but further right still would be someone like that ultimate free marketeer, General Pinochet.

That deals with economics, but the social dimension is also important in politics. That’s the one that the mere left-right scale doesn’t adequately address. So we’ve added one, ranging in positions from extreme authoritarian to extreme libertarian.

Both an economic dimension and a social dimension are important factors for a proper political analysis. By adding the social dimension you can show that Stalin was an authoritarian leftist (ie the state is more important than the individual) and that Gandhi, believing in the supreme value of each individual, is a liberal leftist. While the former involves state-imposed arbitrary collectivism in the extreme top left, on the extreme bottom left is voluntary collectivism at regional level, with no state involved. Hundreds of such anarchist communities existed in Spain during the civil war period

You can also put Pinochet, who was prepared to sanction mass killing for the sake of the free market, on the far right as well as in a hardcore authoritarian position. On the non-socialist side you can distinguish someone like Milton Friedman, who is anti-state for fiscal rather than social reasons, from Hitler, who wanted to make the state stronger, even if he wiped out half of humanity in the process.

The chart also makes clear that, despite popular perceptions, the opposite of fascism is not communism but anarchism (ie liberal socialism), and that the opposite of communism ( ie an entirely state-planned economy) is neo-liberalism (ie extreme deregulated economy)

The usual understanding of anarchism as a left wing ideology does not take into account the neo-liberal “anarchism” championed by the likes of Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman and America’s Libertarian Party, which couples social Darwinian right-wing economics with liberal positions on most social issues. Often their libertarian impulses stop short of opposition to strong law and order positions, and are more economic in substance (ie no taxes) so they are not as extremely libertarian as they are extremely right wing. On the other hand, the classical libertarian collectivism of anarcho-syndicalism ( libertarian socialism) belongs in the bottom left hand corner.

In our home page we demolished the myth that authoritarianism is necessarily “right wing”, with the examples of Robert Mugabe, Pol Pot and Stalin. Similarly Hitler, on an economic scale, was not an extreme right-winger. His economic policies were broadly Keynesian, and to the left of some of today’s Labour parties. If you could get Hitler and Stalin to sit down together and avoid economics, the two diehard authoritarians would find plenty of common ground.

A Word about Neo-cons and Neo-libs

U.S. neo-conservatives, with their commitment to high military spending and the global assertion of national values, tend to be more authoritarian than hard right. By contrast, neo-liberals, opposed to such moral leadership and, more especially, the ensuing demands on the tax payer, belong to a further right but less authoritarian region. Paradoxically, the “free market”, in neo-con parlance, also allows for the large-scale subsidy of the military-industrial complex, a considerable degree of corporate welfare, and protectionism when deemed in the national interest. These are viewed by neo-libs as impediments to the unfettered market forces that they champion.

Your Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: -6.5
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.64

Show chart in a separate window for printing

Political Compass — Certificate


Join 27 caricatures of your most loved and loathed political figures in a personalised colour certificate that you can download and print in moments.

It’s beautifully designed by political cartoonist Malcolm Evans and serves as a permanent record of your position on the Compass, and the political company you keep.

After you take the test, you will be presented with a link which will take you to the certificate page. Alternatively you can go straight to the certificate page where you can fill in your name and score, and a certificate will be generated to match. The certificate will download to your browser as a pdf, which you can save and print at your leisure. You can save the link and re-download it at any time.

While the caricatures have been placed in the quadrants appropriate to their political views, we have not attempted to place them accurately within their quadrants. Aesthetics took priority over ideology in this instance. So before you write to us to complain that we have Sanders to the left of Mandela, or that Ayn Rand believed in libertarianism only for the élite, consider that the certificate is designed to start conversations, not to settle bets.

Previously we charged £5.00 for issuing the certificate but this became uneconomic in the light of rising costs of our payments provider and bank. We’re now giving it away. If you have paid for a certificate in the past, we thank you for your support.


One of New Zealand’s ten or so current cartoonists, Malcolm Evans was born in Feilding — a small country town which, rather strangely, produced five of them; a coincidence that has led some to speculate that the milkman delivered more than milk. Morphing from a career that began in advertising, Evans became a newspaper cartoonist in the 1960s and, apart from time spent helping raise four daughters, has been producing political cartoons and caricatures ever since. While his political cartoons have caused controversy from time to time, a little known fact about Malcolm Evans is that his father was a milkman.

If you’d like a personal caricature, or one of a friend or associate, for fun, or as a birthday, sporting, anniversary or retirement gift, contact Evans through his website www.evanscartoons.com or directly: malcolm@evanscartoons.com.

출처 : https://www.politicalcompass.org/

Posted by TwoTen

오늘 날씨
아주 맑고,
온도는 -13C

겨울이 지나기 전,
겨울의 기분을 느끼게 해줘서 고맙다.

'2020 Diary > 2020 02 Diary' 카테고리의 다른 글

반려견에게 물려 사망  (0) 2020.02.12
  (0) 2020.02.09
독감 사망자 수  (0) 2020.02.06
Posted by TwoTen

한편 맹견 피해자들이 운영하는 웹사이트 '도그바이트'(DogsBite) 자료를 보면 미국에서 개에 물려 숨진 사람은 올들어 벌써 6명째다. 피해자 연령은 생후 1개월부터 76세까지 분포돼있다.

지난 한 해 동안에는 모두 48명이 개에 물려 목숨을 잃었다.
도그바이트는 개물림 사망 사고의 72% 가량이 핏불에 의해 발생하며, 그외 잡종(8%), 로트와일러(6%)·마스티프/불마스티프(6%)·도고아르헨티노(6%) 순이라고 전했다.


'2020 Diary > 2020 02 Diary' 카테고리의 다른 글

2020.2.14, 오늘날씨 -13C  (0) 2020.02.16
  (0) 2020.02.09
독감 사망자 수  (0) 2020.02.06
Posted by TwoTen

2020 Diary/2020 02 Diary 2020. 2. 9. 01:01

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2월 초에는,
많은 눈이 내리곤 하고,
학교는 휴교를 하고 그랬는데,
어제도 눈이 많아 내렸다.
약 15cm정도?

봄이 오는 발자국를
싣고 오는 것 같은데...

'2020 Diary > 2020 02 Diary' 카테고리의 다른 글

2020.2.14, 오늘날씨 -13C  (0) 2020.02.16
반려견에게 물려 사망  (0) 2020.02.12
독감 사망자 수  (0) 2020.02.06
Posted by TwoTen


지난 3일(현지시간2020.2.3) 미국 질병통제예방센터(CDC)에 따르면 이번 겨울 미국에서 최대 2천600만명이 독감에 걸려 8천명 이상이 사망했다. 이는 6일 오전 11시 현재 중국 안에서만 확진자 2만8천여명 중 564명이 사망한 신종 코로나바이러스 사태를 크게 웃도는 수치다.

전 세계적으로 매년 65만명 이상이 독감으로 사망하는 것으로 파악된다. 한국도 정확한 통계자료는 없지만 해마다 2천여명이 독감으로 사망하는 것으로 추정된다.

바이러스의 위험 수준은 주로 감염환자 1명이 평균적으로 몇명에게 바이러스를 전염시키는지를 수치화한 '전염력'으로 따지는데, 인플루엔자 바이러스의 전염률은 1.8 내외로 추산된다. 감염자 한 명이 1.8명에게 바이러스를 전염시킨다는 의미다.

미국이 3억, 한국이 5천만.
인구로는 6배차이, 독감 사망률은 4배.
인구밀도 차이인가? 방역등 위생의 차이인가?

'2020 Diary > 2020 02 Diary' 카테고리의 다른 글

2020.2.14, 오늘날씨 -13C  (0) 2020.02.16
반려견에게 물려 사망  (0) 2020.02.12
  (0) 2020.02.09
Posted by TwoTen


2020 Diary/2020 01 Diary 2020. 1. 20. 23:43

아픔도 추억이 되는 나이는?

'2020 Diary > 2020 01 Diary' 카테고리의 다른 글

아가 선인장...  (0) 2020.01.20
Posted by TwoTen

실내로 들여 놓은 선인장에서
아가 선인장이 나와서 자란다.
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'2020 Diary > 2020 01 Diary' 카테고리의 다른 글

나이  (0) 2020.01.20
Posted by TwoTen